.....we have a house full of family coming in for the long weekend......four adults and four kids all under 4 years of age; all packed together and sharing everything in our just barely big enough for us apartment.....splendid....I love a full house.....
.....and we just had a little taste of family, as my cousin was here a few days ago......Kimberly, as I have called her for 23 years.....but in Elsie's terms, she is cuzin Kim....
.....as a journalist, Kimberly has moved to follow exciting opportunities......but we are waiting for her to return back to NYC this August......she'll have just completed her contract in DC and can be back in the city to enjoy our fall season......
.....and when she is here, she is only 10 blocks away.......although we don't see her every day, it's family just down the street.....and there is something to be said for that....so we are waiting for our cuzin to return because we love it when she's near....
.....and when she is here, she is only 10 blocks away.......although we don't see her every day, it's family just down the street.....and there is something to be said for that....so we are waiting for our cuzin to return because we love it when she's near....
.....and I'm not the only one in the house that is happy to have her back....if only for a short visit.....
....when Elsie saw that Callie got a photo op, she immediately grabbed the first headband she could find so she could pose for a picture too.....
.....from the first day that Elsie was old enough to remember who cuzin Kim was, she was immediately attached to her....they played together, connected immediately and just became best buds....
....and before cuzin Kim arrived, Elsie wanted to paint her toes so she could show off her beauty regime....
.....and she had her Daddy, who was traveling for business, on speaker phone.....telling him what she had planned with her upcoming visitor while applying her hello kitty pale pink polish.....outside play, taking out her baby stroller, and ice cream........already the multi tasker.....
....and she is also a girl who follows through with what she sets her mind to.....
....and Callie got ready for her outing too....
......there is a reason I only wear $5 Old Navy sunglasses.....
.....and after visiting, laughing, posing for photo ops, ice cream, and running around the neighborhood, I had to tell the girls it was time to head home.....
.....Elsie didn't like the sound of that.....she was still stuck in the moment of it's time to say bye bye when I tried to get my photo op with my girl.....
.....Cuzin, we can't wait to have you home....you are in our prayers each night and we are so thankful we'll soon see more of your beautiful smile that lights up our lives....
......Happy Friday.....