…..spring is in full force…...we still pull the hoodies and sweaters out as the sun starts to set, but there have been a few days that have cranked the heat to a place where we can pretend that summer is here…..this past week we had one of those days and we shared pops and bare feet with new friends…...
….the blooms are all in full force, although a bit later this year since winter lasted so long…….they are a constant reminder of rebirth, newness and a fresh season for me…. ..I have not taken any of the blooms for granted after the amount of snow we endured this past winter……the children love to help add color around the yard, too……being outside as we prep our house for spring has become one of my favorite family activities…...
…..and I found two pics of this same spring preparation from last year….these two pics have been flagged for a year, hoping to find their way on this blog and now their time has finally come……another reminder that with each passing year, my babes are growing up too fast…..too soon…...
…..this spring has been glorious…..our cherry blossom peaked on Easter and we found that fitting…..it is one of the most beautiful trees I have ever laid eyes on and each season brings me to tears when I take the time to stop and savor…..
…...we are carving out time to thoroughly enjoy older friends, too…..when we get together with this family, it is no joke…..the eight children among us are the exact same ages in pairs…..Elsa and Elle, Callie and Jack, Brody and Brady and Mae and Grace……in fact, Michele and I stayed at Stamford Hospital together when the baby girls were born, just 23 hours apart…….we didn't think there was anyone else in Darien as crazy as our household, but we have met our match……..all of the kids have become fast friends and I know we have many years in store sharing good times together…...
…..my Mother's Day gift has had our family talking about summer bike rides……Daddy needs a bike and Mae needs a tow, but once those two are taken care of, we'll be good to go…...
…..Stefan pulled off the training wheels this past Sunday and within minutes of each other, both girls were riding down our street…….Callie, more daring and reckless; Elsie more careful and obedient to the rules of the road……both very proud of their accomplishments…….
…..the highlight of our spring this year, however; was our sweet Mae being baptized on May 18, 2014……
…..she was in one of her usual pleasant moods the morning of the service and smiled all morning, as if she knew this was her special day…...
…….the service was beautiful and Pastor Sam prayed three virtues over her during the ceremony…..…..He prayed for salvation, faithfulness and biblical self esteem……we picked these three virtues out of a list that made it almost impossible to narrow it down, but in the end; these are the ones we want most for her…..
….and during the service, as she happily went to our pastor to have water sprinkled on her head, Pastor Sam even commented to the congregation that he might just keep Mae because she is such a peaceful baby……and she is…..she is full of joy and peace with gleaming blue eyes that melt you, lashes that flutter when she laughs and a smile where you know this child is truly one of contentment…...
…..I constantly reflect at how this little soul has taught us faithfulness, compassion, trust and love since the time of her conception…….she has filled the empty chair at our table and now the party is complete…..
…….every single one of us is smitten…...
….happy day, happy Mae……