Sunday, January 6, 2013

.....practice patience...... has happened twice now since I began blogging......I had a post written last night and it was ready to go......saved and tucked in for the morning......many times, I write at night, sleep on my words, and wake refreshed......I grab my coffee, spell check my writing, make small edits and then either publish or schedule a post as I am finishing the last few luke warm sips of my brew......

.....this morning I came back to check my work and prep to schedule this post for this evening and it was gone.....

.....nothing but a blank slate..... here is the quick and dirty version because I am frustrated my work was lost.....

.....New Years dinner was delicious.....I was still sucking crab meat out of claws with rubber gloves on as I cleaned the kitchen.....I had to stop when I saw my reflection in the window; still trying to savor the last of the savory crab meat with the bright yellow gloves up to my seemed a bit too gluttonous, so I went back to scrubbing the dishes, dreaming of dessert......

....s'mores over the fire in the empty library were fabulous and we all over indulged.....

.....this New Years Day dish is a must friend Becky commented on my Instagram pic that this did not look very appealing and it made me laugh out, because her honesty is always so refreshing and two, because she is so wrong.....this meal is ah-ma-zing......

....if you are into tradition and keeping up with old recipes on holidays, you must make this black eyed pea dish next New Years Day.....we have eaten it for four years now and we go back for seconds every time......

....Brody was sad to lose the cast earlier this week......he literally took the old cast off the Dr's office floor and tried to affix it back to his arm.....I think he learned quickly that cast=attention...... boy.....

....and Callie has had a passion to learn how to's been fun to have this enthusiastic little one beg to practice letters..... we just have to focus on the patience part.....

.....a good lesson for both of us since this MAC and I have a few things to square off tonight.....

.....enough said for now in case this post gets lost in cyberspace......

......more in a few days on celebration.....

.....good night......

*Black Eyed Pea Soup- a New Years Day tradition

2 cans of blackeyed peas (do not drain)
2 cans of field peas (do not drain)
1 10 oz can diced tomatoes (do not drain)
1 lb of breakfast pork sausage (I prefer the hot version)
1 small onion (diced)
 chopped garlic
salt and pepper

In a large pot, cook sausage, onion, and garlic......break up the sausage until browned and onions tender. Add remaining ingredients and cook on low for 3+ hours.

Serve with corn bread, crackers or beer.

We eat ours with garlic crackers:
1 box of premium saltines (4 single packs)
1 package of dry ranch dressing
1 cup of canola oil
3T of California garlic (garlic powder with parsley)
1T of crushed red pepper

Empty crackers in a very large mixing bowl, careful not to break and set aside. In a separate bowl, mix together remaining ingredients, stirring well. Drizzle 1/2 mixture over crackers- toss crackers gently, not to break any. Drizzle remaining mixture and continue to toss gently. Coat thoroughly.

Let set for 30 minutes in bowl. Toss again and set aside for another 30 minutes.

Happy, lucky and prosperous New Year!