Thursday, October 14, 2010 at the farm....

.....Elsie's first school field trip to the farm was not only an adventure that she looked forward to for weeks, but it was a day that my heart grew an ounce or two love for her grew in admiration as she explored and fancied in her day of fun.....just she and I....holding hands in the fall sunshine as she frolicked with her friends, admired her teachers, and had many first experiences with animals.....

....and my heart started to grow the instant that she insisted on wearing her new pink boots to the farm.....instead of holding out to unveil them on this upcoming Halloween, I let her choose her entire outfit for her special day....

....and her first ride on a yellow school bus also didn't disappoint.....a few games of I spy and what kind of animal makes this sound made the ride fly by....not to mention, it's always fun to share your snacks on the bus with your new school friends.....

.....however, it's been amazing for me to watch over the last few months as she blossoms into her own....long gone are the days of wrapping one arm around my leg, lingering just a bit to feel out the situation before she would dive in....surely there will be more times like that to come again, but recently, she is off faster than I can keep up with her.....sometimes looking back over her shoulder to ensure I am following her lead.....but she has a newfound independence.....she feels exhilarated by it and it's building her self esteem as she explains to us the new things she has learned and the new ideas that she has in that sweet little head of it was no surprise to me when she was one of the first of her class to dive in and try to milk a cow.....

....or when she darted into the chicken coup and immediately tried to catch a chicken.....

.....and when I wasn't allowed on the hayride because it wouldn't be good for the baby in Mommy's tummy, she was thrilled to have her beloved teacher, Miss Lauren accompany her.....and then lovingly patted my belly with a smile as she hummed, baaaaby....giggle, giggle.....baaaaby..... little one, Oh, she gets it.....she gets it all and is lovin' her little life as a thriving two and a half, almost three year old.....

.....and at the end of the day, when Stefan and I asked her what her favorite part of the farm was......she simply said, my biiiiiggg sandwich wif Maahee.....

.....I loved that part of the day too.....and for the record, my girl ate the entire biiigg sandwich....

.....and just when I thought my day couldn't get any more warm and fuzzy from watching my beloved oldest spread her wings, we were informed that we could take home two Elsie carefully chose out a pumpkin for herself and then a smaller sized pumpkin for Cowlie.......

......and watching her choose with such deliberation as she carefully selected a baby pumpkin for Callie; showcasing her sisterly love on a day where Callie wasn't anywhere in sight created another swell in my heart.....

.....and I only felt it was appropriate to extend our happy day by sauntering three blocks to our favorite bakery for a little treat......after all, mini cupcakes end the day on such a sweet note....

.....and this day couldn't have been any sweeter.....because it's the moments of seeing your children bloom and grow that reinforce they bloom where they are planted....

.....and I am loving my green thumb....