Friday, October 1, 2010

.....hodgepodge of friendship, festivity and frenzy.....'s been a hectic month....weekends have been jam packed with birthday parties, baby christenings, nursery school kick off picnics, wonderful visits with guests, and stepping over dust and misplaced clothes and kitchen gadgets that are piled in our guest room while our home gets a mini makeover.....and although we have been running rampant from event to event and are craving some slow and steady family time in a finished home, it's been joyful celebrating so many special life events.....

.....and with no rhyme or order, there are a ton of precious photos that have been taken over the last several weeks of our sweet children......captured moments in this dream of a building from our Manhattan living space.....

.....and our children are a reminder to us that no matter how hectic or crazed we adults feel that life is, they roll with it....they enjoy the activeness and festivity as much as they find glee in the downtime with a book, a puzzle, a doll or a blanket nestled in their lap as they watch an episode of Dora or Diego.....

.....they find delight in everything....

.....they don't bother with anxiety, frustration or disarray that stems from dust, clutter or unorganized piles around the house.....

.....they know when they see me digging through clothes off the floor and couch to find something to wear that day, huffing and sighing in frustration for that pink and grey shirt that matches the only pair of pants I can lean right up against my crouched and bent over self with the sweetest voice of hi, Mahee......watcha doin' in heere?.....because that's all I need to put it in perspective on those days....

.....our children remain fearfully independent and revel in friendship and jubilation; no matter what the circumstances are around them......

.....they always make time to stop and appreciate those they love and those that love them.....

....they slow down and enjoy their delicacies..... fact, it's amazing how many valuable lessons our children teach us.....gratitude, patience, joy, appreciation, wonder, compassion, zeal.....just to name a few.....

.....and throughout life, no matter what our age, we all need to be students sometimes....and frankly, I think some of my best lessons or ah-ha moments have been from my girls and the little people who are some of their best friends.....

.....and it's an honor to have them as my little teachers....

.....savoring every and always....

....Happy Friday.....'s to a weekend of learning something from our children....

Photography by Sara Blackburn