Sunday, February 26, 2012

....three February 26ths ago.....

....this past year whirled by us.....

.......from two to three, you have blossomed......and you have sprouted into a beautiful, colorful, vivacious spirit who adds an element to our family that is so one is like you, Callie, and we are happy to celebrate the wonderful and exciting person you have become......

           ....Callie's class party at nursery school......
.....this year you and I have had such incredible one on one moments and I have cherished our talks, our laughs, and our moments that are simply......precious......they are branded into my heart...... have attitude, wit, wholesomeness and sensitivity all placed perfectly in one place.....residing in your adored heart that exudes so much love and emotion......and you reveal so much through those big, beautiful blue eyes of yours.....the ones that showed themselves boldly within the first few minutes after you were born.....

.....and grew bigger as you made your mark on this blessed, beautiful life of ours..... are the sister Elsie did not know she wanted or needed......and now the two of you are inseparable......both of you beg me to find your other half when you are separated...... are the playmate that Brody has grown to depend on......he lights up when you enter the room, because he knows that you will make your way to him and shower him with attention and excitement......the same way that Elsie lit up your life when you were a babe.....

....and that feels like it was yesterday...... were the baby that stretched my heart bigger after loving my first born so were placed in my arms and I knew instantly upon looking at your newborn features that I could love deeper, more......greater, yet was all so dreamlike at the time; but you made me a Momma of multiple babies and taught me how to love uniquely......

.....Happy birthday, sweet girl......this next year will be full of new adventures.....and they wouldn't be half as exciting without you......

....we love you, baby......