.....I woke up early with an uncanny urge to blog this morning.....my visits to this space have been far and few between lately; and although all for good reason to use my extra time to rest and grow this sweet baby, something within me wilts when I am not writing.....
.....with every end to a phase that has been full of fear and uncertainty, we grow......
.....one of the best treats about our new house has been walking around the yard every day with the kids watching and waiting for new blooms to appear.....every bush and tree has graced us with its own gorgeous and astonishing flower.......trees that were barren this winter have become cherry blossoms......bushes that curled up to take heed from the winter were doomed as I marched around in April when they were still bare, suggesting to Stefan that we pull this ugly thing out and replace it with something beautiful......that exact bush is blooming our favorite flower in the yard this week.....
.....what a poignant message to remember.......that if we take the time to nurture and prune something; care for it and show patience, it will prosper in its own time.....my children have been the best advocates of that, suggesting the foliage that hasn't shown its beauty get extra water.......they even recognize when the right sunlight beams down on such a shrub or tree because now the sun will help it bloom......
.....I want to bottle up their patience and their wonder.......
.....with the lovely weather, we have also moved from indoor activities like ballet and indoor swimming to tennis.....the courts in Darien are nestled in the little nook right next to the beach, serving as a beautiful backdrop for Brody and me as we explore the area while the girls are learning their forehands and perfecting their overhead smash.......
.....their coordination and ability to balance the ball has stunned us and I am so glad to see them loving a new outdoor sport together......
....having two girls ages 4 and 5 has been easy to sign them up for the same class in many activities......it seems that there are age brackets for 4-5 year olds everywhere......it also simplifies life.....less driving, less activity, more enjoyment......
.....every bit of energy and extra effort from when the girls were babies and only 15 months apart has paid off in dividends now that they are older......the harder earlier years has made these preschool years very simple......they are built in playmates and encourage each other (most of the time) in all that they do......
.....all of us were fortunate enough to have some extra cheerleaders around last week, as our Mimi and JJ made a three day drive from Texas to spend a week with us in our new home......although I did not take as many pictures as I normally do, thanks to exhaustion and lack of photogenic inspiration; I have a few that we are cherishing.....
.....there is a new season ahead for us in more ways than one......
.....today, I am honored and grateful for where I have been planted.....