Tuesday, February 4, 2014

….a ghost, a witch, a skeleton and the bump…...

……my sweet baby girl turns three months in three days; so it is only appropriate that I publish her birth story so that it is archived in this blog for her to reflect on some day in her future……

…..but before I can post about the day our family changed on November 7, 2013; I have to publish the week before she was born……my Halloween post was half complete when I went into labor, so with a few major changes to wording we will have Halloween in February……

…..my Mom arrived the day before Halloween and she quickly picked up and helped in the areas that I was too tired to tend to in my very pregnant state of mind……like carving our jack o lantern on the eve of Halloween……

….I had meant to get to it sooner, but just never could muster the energy…….so she and Stefan pulled through and I supervised…...

…..I was actually very excited to take the kids trick or treating because I had grand plans that I would walk the baby out…..my children thought they might spook the baby out considering we had a ghost, a witch and a skeleton under one roof…...

…..we added some more friends to the mix and we hit the neighborhood for our first traditional suburban Halloween…….

….Mom stayed back to tend to our front door and I walked and walked and walked and walked…..since my Mom was finally here, there weren't anymore worries about the children…..where would they go if labor began in the middle of the night?……who would take them to school, pack their snacks and help Brody if he had a tough day at nursery school?….there wasn't reason to fret anymore, so surely this mental state of relief would help initiate labor so we could meet our sweet bundle……

…..Halloween day had me hopeful…...

….and three days later when we ditched our rotting jack o lantern, I was not so hopeful……

…..the rest is history…..

…..now we know that Mae came 7 days post Halloween and added more color and more joy to the gorgeous fall we had this year…...

…..and now I can tell the story of Mae……

….stay tuned….