......Everyday there are things that a mother gets the chance to see that reinforces their littlest ones are growing up....some are slight, some are subtle....and then you get the big ones that really move you.....the ones you won't ever forget.......
.......Elsie had her first sleepover at someone else's house......yes, I was there too......but it was a real sleep over in her eyes.......Harper's house!.....Elsie was in a new place, new faces, a new big girl bed......and although bedtime was a little scary at first, she mustered herself together after hearing about what was to come the next day.....and she was so brave.....she wiped her tears and decided she was going to do this.....and she did...boldly.....
.....and Harper was so sweet and dear to her....and they became fast friends....
.....which isn't surprising considering the friendship I have with Harper's Momma.....
.....Becky and I used to live together in Austin......she is one of those people.....the kind that when I met her I knew that we would always be friends....we had that kind of connection that is tough to find for most....the kind of connection that extends past going through the same "phase" together.....the kind of connection where you know right off the bat that person is there for your present and future....and after time goes by- the past too because then they become part of your memories....
......A decade later, we have 1800 miles between us.....collectively we have 4 little girls, two great husbands, and share the craziness of life....taking care of toddlers, balancing career, motherhood and all of the other demands that pull us in different directions.....a time zone that isn't always conducive to catching up....but we still seem to pick up where we left off....and a full week in Austin solely at Becky's house wouldn't have been enough time for me to get my full share of her.....she's just one of those people that as long as time passes, I will well up with emotion when I see her.....
....she's just a loving, good natured soul who I don't get to see enough......
......and our girls all loved being together too......I couldn't get the smile plastered off my face....it was just darling......4 girls under 4.....and Harper taught Elsie how to be a big girl.....and big girls have sleep overs......
.......Elsie got so good at it, she wanted to do it again the next night......so she and cousin Zailey had another little sleep over at Mimi and JJs house.....this time she was well trained.....and knew that sleep overs mean staying up late....
........and as our trip started to come to a close, we had a little more time for cousin
.....and time for some sisterly fun.....
......and then the end of our visit showed its face....it always causes such angst when the goodbye arrives....as much as we love our NYC life, there is something to be said to have family so close.....the helping hands, the knowing glance during a difficult few minutes with a toddler, the reassuring smiles, the hugs for no reason, the laughter, the honesty, the family meals.....
......and with some of our family- we know the next visit is near because it's already in the calendar.....the tickets are booked......and with others, it's a little more hollow....the goodbye....because with some, we don't know when the next visit will be.....and the unknown seems too far away to bear....
.....so until then, we can hold the memories tight.....know that distance never wins in the game of keeping families close.......and be thankful for the love and joy we all bring each other.....
......1800 miles worth of love and joy....