....As I write this, I am taking a break from the ever so dreaded winter/summer clothes swap......due to small quarters in our city living, we are forced to swap and store clothes as the weather changes.....we purge quite often and have become masters at having a place for everything.....
......it's been a complete craft learning how to be so organized.....and when the hours of countless piles are all put away in their spots, boxes of clothes we won't see for months are moved into multiple storage units, and plastic containers for the next season "on deck" are arranged on top of our closet; it's an accomplished feeling....a sigh, a collapse on the couch, a glass of wine to start not only the weekend, but the new season.....and for us, spring is here to stay......
....there is nothing like watching two sisters playing ball.....Elsie always looking out for her "Callie baby", Callie always excited to bask in the attention....
.....although I felt compelled to break all together from this chore....in the middle of reorganzing Callie's things, I felt the lump in my throat starting to swell....pulling out Elsie's wardrobe from last spring and summer made me giddy....remembering her 1 year old-ness....her first summer of running around parks independently, the grass under her feet, the popcycle stains on play clothes.....it was lively being brought back into the pages of my own memory book of my first born.....
.......and then to make room for the new, I started to put my baby's 6-12 month winter clothes in a pile and that's when the lump started.....and I felt compelled to capture my thoughts.....
.....it's a dreary, wet spring day.....my girls are at Barnes and Noble having the time of their lives with their friends.....and all I can do is focus on the future of two toddlers.....two sweet little girls....it's so exciting and I can say that I am living in the moment....trying to treat each day like it's own......
.....it's a dreary, wet spring day.....my girls are at Barnes and Noble having the time of their lives with their friends.....and all I can do is focus on the future of two toddlers.....two sweet little girls....it's so exciting and I can say that I am living in the moment....trying to treat each day like it's own......
....however, this time around; the evolution of my second born to toddlerhood has been so bittersweet....perhaps I know how fast it all goes at this point....I am already seeing hair morph onto her perfectly shaped head....I have loved her 13 month baldness so much.....she is rapidly growing tall before my eyes and I can see the little rolls on her thighs disappearing....and it's moments like packing away her first Christmas dress, or her patent leather mary janes that look so small to me today that brings about the flood of emotions....
....and after the boxes are put away, the feelings will pass.....I can appreciate them for what they are, but relish in the little person that she is becoming.....and the first little crush she already has.....
....it's her William....he is Elsie's friend, but Callie and William also have a special bond.....Callie loves to go wherever William goes......and she is always two steps behind......
....and always excited when he is around......
......and so I settle into this Friday with the warm weathered clothes all put in their places.....a full size bigger for each of my girls' than we had last summer.....anticipation and excitement of what this new season will bring....