......I have always loved Easter.....it's a miraculous celebration in itself.....life after death.....renewal.....everything is bright and beautiful.....awakened after a looming darkness....a promise fulfilled......
.....and then the part of the celebration of Easter that focuses on spring....I love that part of the holiday too...running through the bright green grass looking for the glowing eggs, all of them alone in their hidden spot.....waiting to be put into an oversized basket filled with treats, chocolates, and sometimes small gifts.......the anticipation of the day.....preparing to be revived by color.....it can create such awe......
......I just sat back, participating when needed by Elsie or Daddy.....but it was so loving to watch the two of them change the white box of eggs into a carton of color and delight.....with such seriousness Elsie carefully dipped each one.....looking up or over at her Daddy for approval that she was doing it right.....
......and then and there he taught her one of the rituals of Easter.....
....the eggs looked so fantastic....Elsie realized they might be pretty delicious too.....so she started to eat them.....and decided that yolks really aren't her favorite.....
.....and after 4 hard boiled egg whites hidden in the tummy, lots of dye on fingers and cuticles, decals and stickers on eggs and every where else, and talk of the meaning of Easter; it was time to see what Mommy's camera is all about......Daddy gave Elsie a lesson......
.....here is her first photo......
.......her Prince Charming.......
....but there was joy in our home on Easter morning......giggling, over zealous, happy sisters excited to find their hidden eggs......

......excited to wear their Easter dresses for Sunday school......
.......excited for our church Easter egg hunt after service......
........excited to have their Daddy home from a long few weeks of business trips.....
.....and excited to end the morning.....exhilarated from the fun, but sheer happiness over the thought of napping, cozy blankets, and family......
....and I hope we can do a good job as a family....to live each day that we are here with the same peace that we had this Easter morning.....it was such a gift....such a blessing....
.....a glorious day!.....