Thursday, June 3, 2010

......round and round....up and down.... Aunt Alison gave both of my girls a miniature carousel when they were both born.....there is a story that she tells of my grandfather, my Papa, when she gives these....when she was a little girl, he would dance and sing to the harmonious was a bedtime ritual....and the cozy comfort of home would wash over her as she watched her Daddy, my Papa, dance with delight.... I smile when I wind my girls' carousels before their bedtime......I hear my aunt's voice tell me the story when the music begins to play.....warm and affectionate memories of my dear Papa roll through my mind....and it's all quite satisfying....the little ways that stories of families get passed through the generations.....'s not a surprise to me that my girls love carousels.....they had the treat of experiencing a real carousel with friends in New Jersey, as well as the tried and true Central Park carousel within the span of three days....both experiences were exhilarating for them and I love to watch their happy and playful expressions.....

.....I only wish Papa could see these pictures....

....I couldn't help but think when we were on the carousel, as I watched the girls enjoy the continuos revolving ride..... that life, too, goes on the horses my two littles were perched upon would lift and lower to the music, I thought of the highs and lows of life.....we are thrown curve balls, we are blind sighted by unexpextedness, overwhelmed with joyous occasions, proud of successes and accomplishments......we celebrate birthdays, baby arrivals, anniversaries.....all the while, though, life is on its continuous course.....we choose to use moments of life to mourn, rejoice, waste, or cherish.....but all the while, life goes on its uniterrupted journey and time passes.....just like the carousel.....

.....for us, this is a time to rejoice and cherish.... learn and experience newness.... value our friends- old and new....

.....thank you, Michael, for inviting us to your local park..... share and help one another.... that when life passes by, we can look back and have no regrets....
.....and be thankful....

                                                .....thank you for our carousels, Aunt Al....