.....I have been waiting for the nesting urge to kick in.....knowing it's a bit early for this, I sigh every time I open the hall closet or the abundant storage cabinet I have above my refrigerator.....Halloween colored cookie sprinkles, water color paints, plastic cups, a glass casserole dish and a Christmas candle all fall down upon me when I peer in; solely looking for the extra coffee discs that I also have crammed in my space.....
.....and I have no urge to reorganize the cabinet.....which is very uncharacteristic of me.....I am the one who has all of my spices alphabetized, my clothes closet is color coordinated by season and my refrigerator has all condiments grouped into special sections.....asian, bbq, steak, fish marinades....they all have their specific places.....clutter is like noise in my head and lately; the disarray that has built up in my organized world has completely collapsed and it hasn't bothered me a bit.....
....possibly because I know confidently that I will soon be a lunatic.....scrubbing walls, disinfecting my refrigerator, purging clothes, toiletries, and toys, ripping out closets, only to put them back ever so meticulously that it intimidates even me to keep it them order.....so until then, I will enjoy basking in the clutter and dishevelment and wait for the nesting urges to release themselves.....and since I have just started my third trimester, arrangement and tidiness are around the corner.....
.....and so is a sweet, precious newborn.....with it's little noises, grunts, whimpers, and peaceful faces that we enjoy as the baby sleeps, feeds or lounges in a little awake time to embrace his or her new home.....we are so thrilled with the idea of adding another one to the mix.....a home that is more active than peaceful these days......
....the snow came and we were out and about playing in it as soon as we could fetch the waterproof clothes, snow boots and new gloves.....and all went well for a while.....
.....playing, shoveling, digging their way through the snow.....singing at the top of their lungs all while doing so.....
.....until I got the mischievous look from Callie....
.....the look that said to me, what would happen if I pulled off these gloves?.....
.....and before I even had time to respond to her little look that I know so well, she was already in action.....
.....her determination prevailed.....
......and anyone who has spent time in the cold of winter knows that once your hands are cold, it's all over.....slipping the mittens back on doesn't work....and there is no cure for a cold, unhappy babe.....
.....and so we dash home in a hurry.....well, I dash, Elsie saunters......shaking her head and lecturing to her sister that you haave to keep da goves on in da snow, Towlie.....
.....and my little snow bunny does all of this while strutting with her hands in her pockets and her jacket zipped open, as if she's cooling herself off after a tough day on the mountain.....
.....and I can laugh at her love for all seasons and capture an image of her sauntering, lecturing and strutting home after a day in the snow, all while consoling a cold and wet handed Callie.....
.....who can not get home fast enough to tear off the winter gear and slip in her lounge wear so she can snuggle up with her blanket.....
.....and have I mentioned that piles and messy corners haven't bothered me lately?
....nor have toys that cover every bit of walking space in our close quarters......
.....I think it's been liberating for the girls to wallow in their piles for longer periods of time than usual.....and it's been fun to have excess indoor play.....especially when our cousins swing by before bedtime to give us a good case of the giggles.......
.....and the sound of laughter from the girls in our home is delightful.....so is the unexpected hug that comes out of nowhere but is captured just as I hear the clicking of the camera......
.....documenting the making of another little one that will be here in three months....we are waiting anxiously......living, breathing and anticipating the arrival in our blessed mess......
......and savoring every minute......