Tuesday, January 11, 2011

.....more snow is comin'......

......there is another 8-12 inches of snow in the forecast that should start falling in a few hours.....fresh, white powder to cover the dirty, icy piles that are still mounted high from the blizzard from just over two  weeks ago.....I love the newness that a fresh snow storm brings.....it covers the dinginess with a brightly lit hue that seems to put a spring in everyone's step......

.....we will play in the new powder gleefully and enjoy the beauty of it.....

......and Callie got new pink gloves from her Papa T and she loves them.....and I love that our outdoor excursions are tantrum free when it comes to prickly, cold and stinging fingers from a babe who simply will not wear gloves.....dare I say that those days are over?.....

.....and we never mind being the only free spirited souls to enjoy the outdoors in Central Park on a 20 degree day......the outside air does wonders for us all.......but we can only take the temperature for so long before we head back indoors......

.......and lately, baking seems to be the thing that we do best....

.....baking and tasting, that is.....there is a reason we haven't been sharing our baked goods with our building friends.....I have a hard time keeping saliva covered fingers and salivating tongues off our masterpieces......

.......and since Daddy had been gone for three bedtime nights in a row, we decided this cake would be for him when he came home on Friday night......Elsie proudly declared that pink is no longer her favorite color and that her new favorite is blue.....so I confidently gave Callie the yellow dye and Elsie the green and emphatically taught the girls that if they each gave a few squirts and we mixed it all together, we would have blue frosting......because yellow and green= blue.....

......no, yellow and green= lime green......

......I got the primary color mixtures all goofed up......

.....so I proudly stated that my new favorite color was light green and everyone seemed happy with our meant to be blue cake......

.....and Elsie is back to loving pink as her favorite color.....
.....and we hadn't had a pizza night in a long time......so we decided that not only were we ready for a pizza night, but that we were also ready to add movie night to the equation.....

.....and our oldest was especially excited to make a pizza with her Daddy.....

.....and both girls were not only thrilled with eating at the big girl table, front and center in the middle of the living area, but also at the idea of eating dinner with The Owl Adventure on as they devoured their pizza....

                         Notice Callie's yellow hand from the yellow and green makes lime green episode. Apparently, a lot of yellow and green makes lime green.

......and so we had it......the inaugural pizza and movie night......

......The Owl Adventure didn't really capture the attention of the girls as much as we had anticipated......nothing like when we went to see Tangled and the girls couldn't take their eyes off the movie screen......
......and speaking of Tangled, when I explained to Elsie that she was due for another hair cut, it lead to a category 4 tantrum.....as she calmed down and I got to the heart of the wailing, I learned that she did not want her hair cut because she was trying to grow it long....you know, Mommy, like the girl in Tangled wif weally, weally loong hairrrrr.....Oh, we are aiming for hair as long as Rapunzel......got it.....

.....somewhat dumbfounded for a response since we went to see Tangled back in October and hadn't talked much about the movie since then, I explained that what I meant was that she was going to get her hair trimmed.....because trimming hair actually makes it grow longer......

.....and she liked the sound of that.....

......and then she got a bit concerned again when Miss Lilly went to cut the back.....not short, just like Tangled.....and the funny thing is, most people don't know what Tangled means.....so I clarify, that we are trying to grow hair as long as Rapunzel's......and then I get the nodding heads and reassuring smiles....

......and when Miss Lilly showed her the final masterpiece and had brushed her hair so the ends had a bit of a bounce to them, Elsie was delighted.....

.....and it's the little things that add so much joy to a little one's day.....

....off to stock up on some indoor goods in case we can't get the stroller out on the sidewalks tomorrow.....

.....we might have to try for a blue cake again.....