....I am always humbled when I am able to witness a show like this....
....God graces us with beauty and it's all around us.....although when the sky performs this dance, it stops me in my tracks and I watch in awe.....
....we are moving out of the city....
......and now that I have stated it, set it in virtual ink; it feels even more real than it did a few key strokes ago.....
....it is with such mixed emotion that we have come to this place....Stefan has been ready to go for a while, as his life won't change much....he will still spend Monday through Friday on these busy streets......for me, it's more complicated.....life as I know it will change completely, so it has taken me a bit longer to accept this upcoming change in our lives......the reasons for leaving are normal for many families, but I will save them for another day....
....today, I inhale these fleeting times because I can feel the countdown beginning.....and as Christmas approaches and the season bustles around us, I have been keenly present and am savoring it immensely....I will miss it terribly.....
.....just as the sun was setting, I took Brody out of the stroller and held him tightly against me.....it was just the two of us on a spontaneous cold, brisk walk to one of my favorite spots.....I held him close and cherished the first Central Park sunset for him....I have lost count on how many evenings I have watched the golden beams vanish behind the clouds from the exact same spot.....but this Central Park sunset will be one of the last for both of us, at least as residents of my beloved city........and these observations are becoming my reality on a daily basis.....our time is starting to melt away.....
....however, change is good and I know that in the end, the new place where we raise our family will feel like home....but right now, home is where I have raised all of my babies....
....and I'm not just talking about my three....
....this building has been two nurturing hands that have molded my children and their best friends....the small community of city dwellers who share our address and who all had babies simultaneously was a miracle in itself; but we have also welcomed and invited each other's children into our homes.....we have spent time together that has been so intimate, fun, exciting, exhausting and special.......the unique experiences have been unforgettable and couldn't have been duplicated anywhere else....
....I hope my children always remember how incredibly blessed our city life has been......the support, friendships, and encouragement was a welcomed surprise after having a baby and simultaneously deciding to end my career and begin a new chapter.....
....it's truly been the good life and the ones who enrich our days is what I will miss most.....
....but these little ones have shared more than just friendship.....NYC address or not, this will always be our home because it's full of family.....
.....and I know the next few months will be a roller coaster of emotions....but there are good things ahead for us.....things we will surely leave behind that weigh heavy on my heart, but also great memories we will take with us.....
....tis the season for wonder and excitement.....for tasting every sweet thing that comes your way.....
.....and for an upcoming year of new beginnings.....
Gingerbread pictures provided by Sara Balckburn Photography