......today marks a special day......
.....the day that ends the first year.....a finish to each of the phases that hold their own moments of sacredness, exhaustion, excitement and joy.......newborn to infant, then infant to baby......all of the fleeting minutes that felt endless while immersed in them are distant and short lived in hindsight.....
......another year ahead that begins the venture into toddlerhood and a new pristine world of beginnings....first steps, first words, first phrases......the moments around the corner that will slowly reveal more of his personality, temperament and disposition......
.....today celebrates a sweet baby boy who made his mark on everyone in this family with his unique and captivating demeanor......
.....and it wouldn't be a proper celebration without a bit of reflection on the last year as we adjusted to being a party of five.......
.....It's no surprise to people who know me well that when I carried my third child, I secretly hoped it was a girl.....not for any particular reason, other than I already had two girls, loved everything about girls, thought it would be sweet to have three little princesses in the house; and since I grew up in a home with two brothers, the pink, lace and frills was a delicate and feminine change......
....I wasn't opposed to having a boy, especially because I felt extremely blessed to have two wonderful brothers by my side while growing up.....so with that experience I knew my girls, the two sisters, would enjoy a brother in the house; but three girls (after the hope and desire of having a healthy baby regardless of the sex) was still a preference back in the days when it was just me, the girls and my baby bump.....
....well, God had other plans for us.....
....and God is so good and perfect in every way.....
....He knows what we need when we need it.....
.....even Elsie, who had named the baby, Lisa, would pat my belly and we would tell her, there is a chance that this baby could be a boy......she would silently shake her head no and declare, Lisa......
.....upon meeting Brody for the first time, she was speechless, adoring and amazed at this tiny baby.....gender didn't matter because he was a perfect, tiny newborn so alert who was all of ours.....it was love at first sight.....
.....Lisa was quickly forgotten and we never looked back....
.....Brody captured our hearts and changed all of us upon his arrival.....life before him in our family was instantly unrecognizable because his presence was so natural and so needed to round us off to our new fullhouse.....
.....and those first few days seem like they were just yesterday.....but in 365 days, we have come to love him so deeply.....I have memorized the way he curls his mouth upwards when he sleeps.....his head fits in the space between my neck and my collarbone perfectly.....he cocks his head to the right just before he laughs hysterically, however; if it's only going to giggle, then he simply raises his eyebrows just before his breathy little voice coos with amusement.....
.....and now, I find myself thinking that every Momma should have the privilege and honor of having a son.....how was I so lucky to be one of the Mommas chosen for the role of raising a boy?.....
....Brody, you are delicious....
....you slowly think things through, but when you've decided what you want, you jump in with both feet......
....or both hands....
.....depending which way you look at it....
.....you delight in all things.....
....you love to laugh....
....you seek an audience....
.....and the audience always adores you.....
.....my heart will always be with you in all your days ahead.....
.....and we have many more days to share together when I can enjoy all of you and all that you will become......
.....I know having three girls would have been a blessing too; as your sisters' epitomize everything that defines girly.....and that is still fun for me to dress up and have tea parties with my two little ladies.....I cherish my one on one talks with your sisters, as their emotional side promises me insightful and meaningful conversations in our future......
....but so many Mommas vowed, raved and promised I would see that there was a distinct bond between a mother and her boy......and I now understand that there is a certain specialness to it that differs from raising girls......not better, just unique it its own way.....
.....and again, I ask myself how I got so lucky to experience both individual bonds with a son and two daughters?......
....you captured my heart from the moment I heard the words boy and laid eyes on your precious features.....
.....and when we celebrate you with all of our close friends and family this week, I will be reminded that we have only scratched the surface of all there is to come.....
.....the first chapter may be complete, but we have an entire novel to write.....
.....I can't wait to fill the pages....
....I love you, Brody.....Happy first birthday......