Saturday, April 7, 2012

.....Easter Eve......

.....just a quick post on the eve of the day we celebrate the most precious gift we have all been given......

.....the Easter bunny has already made his stop and we are ready for our last egg hunt in our NYC apartment for this glorious year, we will watch our children run wild and free in our backyard......a thought Stefan and I discussed several times tonight as he hid eggs in the couch, underneath pillows and behind the television and I laid out my fake grass to display their baskets and new pretend kitchen accessories......

.....mission complete.....

.....our babes won't care that our hunt is indoors.....besides, they have already had their annual eggstravaganza this year......

.....Sara planned and organized such an amazing afternoon for the children earlier this week in preparation for Easter......she hid 250 eggs in our back courtyard and also provided dye, hard boiled eggs and pizza for all of the children in our building, plus other neighborhood was a sight to see, as we city folks take what we get when it comes to outdoor space......and these children went bunny wild......

.....jelly beans, chocolates, stickers, bunny tattoos, Easter necklaces.......little trinkets and sweets that the kids found in each egg......there were squeals, giggles, gasps......full blown excitement and glee...... thrilling event lead to the next.....

.....with treats in hand, they all came back together to dye and decorate eggs and enjoy more Easter sweets......

....even the babies had fun.....

.....and although we will search for colorful eggs again tomorrow and rummage through our baskets to look for hidden treats, we will also take time to remember the reason we celebrate this joyous occasion.....

.....But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; 
the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed......
.....Is 53:5......

....happy new beginnings.....