Sunday, July 29, 2012

....beach bums.....'s been hot and muggy and I can't quite muster the energy to hit another Manhattan park one more time....don't get me wrong, I love our parks.....but Manhattan in the summer can be stifling in the heat and the concrete everywhere doesn't necessarily facilitate a good we go to a place that reminds me of home.....

.....twice this past week, I spontaneously packed up my brood and we headed to one of my favorite New York beaches......

....the kids play for hours in the sand and pulls me back to my childhood and the memories of sandy skin and sticky, tangled hair leap to the forefront of my mind......I can't believe it has taken me so long to realize how many beaches surround us because this summer we have enjoyed several of them.....and although different from the fine, white sandy beaches of Florida, these are the beaches that will create memories my children will draw upon in their later years......and the thought that they, too, will grow up with beach filled memories; although different than mine, is all too surreal for me......

.....and I need to up the ante on our beach toys because my girl loves to try and catch the tiny fish that nip at your ankles and toes in the shallow surf.....she makes a friend who has a net every time she sees another child wading and swinging the net frantically; desperately trying to catch these fish that swim faster than the current.....

.....and over the past few weekends, we have even taken family excursions to other beaches....sometimes in New York, sometimes in Connecticut; both equally beautiful......we have escaped the concrete and transplanted ourselves to the serene and peaceful sound of the surf......even on rainy days.....because even a rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day in the stifling hot concrete of my beloved city......'s not to be a downer on the city during the still has it perks; its great escapes.....come Halloween, Christmas time or the first sign of spring as Central Park's cherry blossoms are blooming, I will tell you that there is no more beautiful place on earth.....but the beach and all of its summertime glory is sheer least for our family......

....and when I am there, I am especially thankful for the beauty we have been given to enjoy while we live out our one shot at this big, beautiful life of ours......

.....and there may not be another soul in a 500 mile radius who is still waving the high on life, summer freak flag.....I hear talk of fall anticipation from friends......I see the fur and boots lined up in store windows.......and honestly, I love the fall like the best of them......but frankly, I am not even slightly interested in that season.....I am sucking the marrow out of this summer......

......easy, breezy, hot, salty and lazy.....we can't get enough of it.....

....leaving you with my two favorite beach bums.....xoxo.....